PoE: how to make a better Bestiary league

The new season has started for weeks and the Bestiary league already released, but not all of the players agree that Bestiary is far more interesting than Abyss, yes, I am one of these players.

Thinking about the current player reaction towards bestiary league, I believed I'd compile and share my ideas the way I think the Bestiary league might meet be what players want:

▶  Further rebalancing unused uniques: The fated versions go a lengthy means by improving bad uniques, and that I especially like the thought of uniques getting different 'paths' they are able to take such as the magnate belt. You will find a number of ones left as well as fated ones which are still rather underwhelming, I'd like to see further efforts

▶  Rebalancing unused, weak skills: I think this can be a factor that the majority of the community anticipates. Wherever its just simple buffs on their own damage, AoE, or perhaps a complete rework and perhaps reverting the AoE nerfs.

▶  Master rework: Leveling masters seems like a regular factor you need to undergo, in most cases, it is not fun, from time to time it's really tiresome or painful. The present system does not feel rewarding unless of course, you become so terrible in which you unlock the Zana breach mod. PoE has changed into an extremely fast game, attempting to unlock a chest with no target hitting you, protecting a relic while a sluggish trickle of opponents spawns for any minute as well as escorting a spirit from a cave just feel below par.

▶  Masters are something should optimally expect to see and doing, much like breaches, abysses or essence monsters.

▶  Especially dailies should be either rewarding when you are something which is lucrative and fun to complete: You may either ask them to hand out "The next X Zana mod is free of charge" in exchange or do "The following map you open has X modifier, when completed you receive bonus X master XP" which may kill two wild birds with one stone.

▶  In-map master missions ought to be similarly fun, there is not a reason Elron missions aren't "defend this relic as I open a breach"

▶   An Atlas "weather system" that cycles through previous league content would give a bit to mapping, whether they can allow it to be mesh with elder/shaper influence, highlighted here: https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/6tv1bn/discussion_rotation_mechanic_that_rewards/

▶  Prediction reworks/tweaks: Likely too old act zones to fulfill prophecies or getting low-level ones appear is simply pointless at the best, and annoying at worst. People positively block the worst ones just by keeping them active and unfulfilled forever. Having to pay more silver per prediction, tweaking the weighting on low-level prophecies are possible options here.

▶  Boss loot and density buffs: Killing map bosses is not using the majority of time discover a build that melts them in 3 seconds flat. They have to seriously be tweaked in both health, or perhaps in the quantity of loot they drop. Similar map densities are actually low, and you may feel it within this league particularly when the quantity of extra mobs is minimal

▶  Some corruptions have to be tweaked, corrupting a diamond ring, for instance, is definitely pointless, there is not a place for it.

▶  Performance & bugfixes: They are always a factor that should be labored on, crashes are annoying and fps drops are deadly, especially when you are within the endgame. I haven't got any hard data about this, but GGG should. I for just one experience lots of apparently random stuttering in endgame maps.

▶  Crash assistance in Lab: Crashing or disconnecting in Uberlab is particularly painful, player figures should stay in the lab and perhaps be teleported to the region spawn if they don't die.

If Beastiary becomes an area of the core game I do not think I am going to return to PoE.

Really, when they stored the Red monsters in being a periodic fight that did not need nets, I'd be okay with this. but the remainder of it, including crafting, could be tossed within the garbage.

The simplest way to create a league fun is to add mechanics/content that combine monsters in zones as well as just how much products they drop i.e Breach did these two things also it was the funniest league maybe barring Legacy which did individuals things better. Individuals are so quick to inquire about nerfs to stuff that people can abuse to create plenty of wealth e.g sextants don't understand the effects it has on the fun. endgame mapping just is not as fun this and I'd argue it's entirely because sextants happen to be made less reliable, Breach is finished and Abyss is finished too.

That's all things I could consider that will finish up improving PoE. What is your opinion? You can leave them below, maybe we can have the same opinions. And if you wish to buy exalted orbs and poe chaos orb, you can take into account R4PG Online Game Store firstly


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