POE Tesla Cyclone [SLAYER/RAIDER] Build (For Flashback)

Hey, guys, welcome back to aosilvers.blogspot.com, it has been a while, and this time, I want to share some cool ideas about Tesla Cyclone build that would have a perfect performance in Flashback, I think some of the players would like to see this build.

- HIGH DAMAGE (easily over 1 Million even on a budget)
- Fast Movement speed/ Fast Mapper (Zoom Zoom! Can reliably hit roughly 180-200% movement speed with flask)
- Can do all content (Videos posted below)
- FUN WITH HEADHUNTER (TOTALLY OPTIONAL. Not needed for the build but a Pro in my book XD )
- Can do all map mods (Can do Ele and Phy reflect. Put Blood magic on your cyclone or use mana flask on No Regen. Can do No Leech maps.)
- Budget Friendly (Can also scale really high the more investment you put in)
- Can use as a League Starter
- Can Do Uber Lab EASILY
- Can become a Magic Find Map Spammer God that is FAST and Can kill Bosses Quickly, Easily.

- Not a 8-13k Righteous Fire Life Build
- Melee is NOT a con.
- Can not Facetank the world. (Again not a Righteous Fire Life Build)
- Requires you to learn end game boss mechanics (Personally Do not see this as a con because I like actually playing the game.)
- Not managing Cyclone at all can lead to mana issues.
- Does need a fair amount of investment and patience when doing Uber Elder (If you even plan on fighting him)


Starting Path

I took Resolute Techniques in this tree. It helps while leveling depending on your gear. You can take it off later as shown in future links. If you have the Pure Talent Jewel, feel free to pop it in at the starting scion Jewel Socket.


Next Route

I stack health and move over to the ranger side. I also pick up a Jewel socket for Physical Damage Leeched as Mana. Not Mandatory but I feel it helps a little bit while leveling depending on your needs.


End Game Part 1

Drop Resolute Technique and pick up crit and accuracy. At this point, swords should come in as the primary choice and you can fill out a good bit of damage.


End Game Part 2

Here is where you can choose a tankier approach to the final content or more damage. There are literally tons of variants. I will show you two options that I prefer.

If you are confused about the new trees, just know in Uber Lab your Ascendancy choice will let you split your tree.






Normal: +40 Dex and + 1 Passive point on the Ranger Path

Cruel: Ranger Ascendancy (RAIDER) and +20 Strength and Dex going down the Duelist Path

Merciless: + 1 Passive Point and Duelist Ascendancy (SLAYER)

Uber: + 1 Passive and finish the Ranger route with Grants 2 Passive points and Can allocate passive in starting point.

The Ascendancy choices are absolutely AMAZING for Scion! You are gaining:

- +60 Dex

- +20 Str

- FIVE Passive points!

- 20% Increased AOE if you have killed Recently (Mapping fun!)

- Culling Strike! (When a boss hits 10% HP, it's insta Kill!)

- 20% increased Damage while leeching

- Life Leech effects are not removed at Full Life (This bonus and the bonus before can be a positive bump if you decide to put a small amount of life leech into the build, your leech rate and over leech will provide a little bit of extra survivability and damage.)

- CAN NOT TAKE REFLECTED PHYSICAL DAMAGE (Super great! All of the damage dealt will not come back to haunt you!)

- 20 increased Attack Damage

- 10% Movement Speed

- 4% Chance to Dodge

- You have Onslaught while on full Frenzy Charges (Onslaught is amazing!)

(Bosses count if you do not know)


Q - I want to Magic Find and farm a Headhunter! How do I Magic find maps like Sonic the Hedgehog on Cocaine?

A - Great Question! Putting on magic find gear on this build is super easy. Item you want to get for this:

- Sadima's Touch - 16% Quantity
- Perandus Blazon - 8% Quantity
- Shaper amulet/Beast crafted Talisman with up to 10% Quantity (whichever is cheaper)
- Goldwyrm boots - 20$ Quantity
- Thief's Torment 16% Quantity (Yeah! the same ring! You can compare this to having 2 8% Ventor's Gamble rings and can get into a LONG debate about maxing Quant with other rings, but this is a super budget way to never have to change rings and get a REAL solid Quantity out of it.

- Totally up to 70% Magic find which is really strong, you will lose some dps, however the build exceeds the damage needed for maps by so much, Magic find clearing Burial Chambers is still Really great! You will lose movement speed putting on the boots, to counter this, while Magic Find mapping, simply pick up movement speed nodes on the passive tree. Again, your goal is NOT to kill the end game boss with magic find gear on, it's simply to burn through maps and do it fast. You can EASILY up the movement speed and grab a VERY nice chunk of magic find.

I would also recommend if you take this route to research:

- Shaper/Elder Influence
- Shaped vs unshaped maps for farming (if you are not considering only a Headhunter.
- How to properly set up your atlas for magic find.

There's a lot of material to learn but learning it will net you LOADS of PoE Currency. If I tried to type it all out, I'd be here for a week. There are plenty of people that have covered the material.

Q - How does this build handle Uber Elder?

A - I managed to finish the Uber Elder fight and here are my thoughts.

I'm just going to be honest with the build and how it handles Uber Elder.

I am not the most skilled player in PoE but that fight was a beast of a fight for the build.

I did have a lot easier time when I sank extra currency into the build but I'm honestly not sure if I recommend using even just cyclone in general for the fight.

Here are my reasons:

Having high evasion is super great. Even building up to 6-6.5k hp was help.
The downside was really with how the skill behaves vs the mechanics of the fight itself.

In the fight, you play cat n mouse with shaper and elder. You dangle some keys in one direction and piss one of them off (usually shaper) and then attack the other. With cyclone, you would think that means moving and damaging at the same time would be a huge benefit and imo the answer is: Not so much.

With every other fight in the game, you reason just dodge an attack, wait for an opening and boom, headshot, dps, spin, 360 death vortex, 100 to 0, Peace, etc etc.

baiting out shaper, while using cyclone as a bait and movement tactic can be tricky. Since you are stun immune while cycloning, you must really stick to trying to stay in cyclone as much as possible to not let a stray elder projectile stun you while dancing around for shaper ball bait.

It is MUCH easier to stutter step to proc a lot of the attacks from shaper/elder in the fight and maximize positioning and ability to quickly use a separate movement skill (shield charge, whirling blades, leap slam) on command.

Having high leech rate really helps in this department when up close due to leeching through certain attacks, however, it falls short with distance.

Say you need to make a split second decision of evasiveness with cyclone but you might have just clicked for another cyclone attack and now you are locked into an animation with no quick insta leap/whirling/charge escape. It happens even when you are careful about it.

I just feel like the build EXCELS When clearing literally everything else and can even be used in FAAAST Magic find setups as well with great Area of Effect.

I just want to be real with someone trying out the build and is maybe new to the game. You will literally CRUSH all other parts of the game including the guardians to the Uber Elder Fight but if you want an EXTREMELY EASIER TIME FOR UBER ELDER, I would pick one of the following:

- Tornado Shot
- Totems
- Blade Flurry
- Molten Strike
- Summons/Clones
- Righteous Fire

The way these skills work and can be built around, make for just a win/win scenario with the mechanics of the fight vs the mechanics of the character.

I was able to get the build to 6.5k hp, 70% evasion, full frenzy and power charges sustained through the fight, 30-45% phys reduction only with fortify + Lion's roar and over 1 Million shaper dps WITHOUT an abyssus.

I was going to post the Uber Elder Set up but I honestly just don't feel comfortable enough to recommend it.

Maybe someone out there who like the concept of my build one day will see something I missed and/or beat the piss out of Uber Elder with it and provide tips.

Would be a cool day.

I'm again not saying that the build can not do Uber Elder. It is just a pain imo.

I was trying not to throw too much path of exile currency at the build so that anyone could realistically pick up the build and Destroy the game. I feel like I've done 99.9% of that and I'm happy with that for now.

I hope more people try the build and give feedback and what can be improved on the guide or what they liked about the build.

Thank you for everyone that has visited so far and any that follow <3

Q - What are the main differences/benefits between this build and a classic Slayer Cycloner?

A - Ok So I took each node from each ascendancy choice. Added each up and tried to take out everything that is similar to each ascendancy and only show the differences/benefits.

For Example: If both ascendancies get (+ number to something), I compare the difference and only post that.

Scion PROS:
+++ FIVE Passive points from ascendancy
+ The ability to save 4 MORE passive points going across the passive tree (No need to connect duelist to Ranger side)
+ +60 Dex (+120 Accuracy / +12% evade )
+ +20 Str (+10 max life)
+ 10% Movement Speed
+ 4% Chance to Dodge
+ You have Onslaught (20% increased attack speed, cast speed, and movement speed) while on full Frenzy Charges 

Slayer PROS:
+ 20% More dmg if you've killed recently (only if boss has adds)
+ 20% Culling over the 10% culling from Scion
+ 18% dmg with 2H over the scion's ascendancy
+ 20% Overkill Dmg Leeched as life
+ Bleed Immune while leeching
+ .4% Attack damage life leech
+ 100% increased Life leeched per second

Let me try to break this down to my train of thought.

The Scion while not getting a damage advantage through only the ascendancy passives, gains a MAJOR advantage in having 9 PASSIVE POINTS at your disposal to pick up dmg, life, jewel sockets, movement, attack speed, etc etc. Also, you are gaining 30% movement speed at the very least as well for some fast maps and fun times. This more than closes and surpasses the gap of damage vs Slayer.

One major difference in the approach to each of the builds is the concept of gaining your health back. Slayer opts to really focus on Life Leech and to gain the most out of that (more leech/higher rate of leeching), Vaal Pact is the way to go. You can play w/ or w/out VP, I just want to clarify that is the goal. The culling strike is also plus for Slayer for sure in terms of just what it does to mobs and bosses.

The Counter point to Slayer goals: Leech life and Cull. Scion uses the Thief's Torment Ring with Life gain on hit. With the attack speed bonuses that outpace Slayer, the alternate source of sustain is enough to complete all the content in the game. The passive advantage also helps scion really outshine passive benefits on the skill tree over the Slayer to allow for more ways to outpace certain advantages the slayer would have over a scion. The Pure talent Jewel also helps gain very useful bonuses with some of the extra passives over the slayer having a harder time to travel, giving up competitive passive nodes in the process.

Example: If you were to compare a Kaom wearing Slayer to a Kaom's wearing Scion, the scion can gain the same level of health and provide more movement speed and damage overall.

This is not to say the Slayer is weak by any means. Both can accomplish great Cyclone Builds. I personally just like the zoom zoom and damage potential of the Scion more. 

Wouldn't carnage heart + the retch be a good choice?

I appreciate your concern in regards to life leech. I have done more testing and these are my results.

As for putting life leech on a jewel or flask. I know I posted yesterday with the idea of it. Since we get Leech from Blood Rage and should have it up all the time, the leech from that and the Thief's torment ring give the damage bonus from the ascendancy, help with life leech cap rate. The only benefit really is just to have leech for times you forget to reactivate blood rage for whatever reason. (falling asleep on the keyboard) 

Addressing Carnage heart and The retch:

When looking at this build from a theoretical standpoint you would think each of those items would be great for the survivability of the build. 

For the practical applications, things are different depending on how you are building the character.

Carnage heart and The Retch: - Due to the fact that leech rate cap is hit with Blood Rage + Thief's Torment, The life leech you gain from swapping Daresso's and Belt of the Deceiver is very minimal at best (On path of building, my build starts at 1,824 and goes up to 1,854. The leech Rate must be brought up a fair amount to even utilize this as with all Life Leech Builds.

The stats/resists of the Carnage heart can make gearing easy while leveling, however the Daresso not only gives +2 weapon range (which is big), great resists as well, movement speed and more damage overall than the carnage heart. 

The retch while the damage gain is comparable to belt of the deceiver, the BotD still scales higher, offer more lightning resist if you are going full uniques, which is really important. gives you defense against nasty extra crit with the draw back of losing +40 hp which is about a 70 overall hp difference. I personally would rather take the Belt of the Deceiver. 

With Vaal Pact for higher leech rate: Since the damage is scales so high, even with Vaal pact, each item makes a very minimal difference in leech rate. 2,877 to 2,941 with both equip and losing AOE, movement speed, defense, well placed resist, and overall damage.

As for the Life leech effects on not lost on full life, That is mainly scaled off each hit of your Cyclone. Since each hit is so high to easily over leech, the life leech effects are not changed in any big way by stacking a lot of leech rate or by trying to push past the life leech rate cap.


  1. So you steal my build. Try and link a sale to POE currency on the old guide. WHAT A FUCKING SCUMLORD.

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