How to Defeat Elder Guardians in PoE

Hey guys, welcome to, what's your day in Path of Exile? It's no doubt that The Elder is the most powerful final boss in the game, not everyone can kill him smoothly, and if you want to defeat The Elder, you need to take the Guardians down first.

Map mods don't have any impact on the Elder or Elder Guardians boss fights. Roll the dumbest map you would like, you need to be aware the quant and rarity will not come with an effect either.

Should you fail the battle and employ up all of your portals, or open another map, you won't lose your opportunity to battle the Elder or Guardians! The Elder's influence and also the Guardians appearance only disappears whenever you develop a map by killing in charge. But you need to know that you show to make more money in the game, so that you can get enough path of exile using orbs, of course, you can obtain these orbs from, it's safe and efficient.

Adds aren't regular in Guardians fights, nor the elder. Don't be prepared to depend in your flasks. You can't portal from the area, so come very prepared with many different -% charge cost flasks. All bosses deal plenty of area damage and since they are frequently alone, Soul of Solaris could be helpful, though its upgrades will not matter.

Generally, when the boss has traveled up in mid-air, play extremely fast. More generally, face-tanking is difficult and helps make the fights more difficult should you attempt to do this unless of course, you've immunity to particular damage types. Accept the DPS loss and move, only pause and attack once the ground beneath you stops exploding or whenever you really badly have to leech.

Here to Learn How to Reset the Map and Fix Lag

No bosses use curses, so replace your warding flask with something appropriate. There are plenty of slows, so kaom's roots might be useful, but the possible lack of movespeed might be your undoing.

The Purifier deals purely physical damage. IC works wonders. He's no adds. Run behind him as he jumps in mid-air and tries to try to escape from his beams.

Otherwise, simply have methods to mitigate Phys or run extremely fast, or you are gonna harmed real bad. This is actually the simplest Guardians.

The Enslaver deals partly Phys, partly fire. The fireplace damage deals VERY effectively ignites. Bring flasks with igniting removal - bismuth/stibnite/aquamarine with  charges/-% charges used and ignite removal alongside regular utilization of IC could make him easy. His melee attacks are pure Phys, if you have lots of Phy's reduction/ armor, wake up close and obtain his AI to fistfight you instead of spew fire. He spawns adds in the second phase, only after tossing massive fireballs to you, so you have to circle strafe then pick them off if you would like charges.

The Eradicator is pure lightning spells, no methods to easily mitigate here. The constant movement needed. You would like shock immunity and a method to deal damage while moving because he provides extensive energy shield and recharges it fast. Within the first phase, another room at any given time is stuffed with shocking clouds you'll die in, within the second phase you will find Touhou-style projectiles flying everywhere. The projectiles deal less damage than his spells, so you shouldn't be afraid to bite a bullet to prevent getting caught by his storm calls.

The Constrictor is really a bow user that deals physical and chaos damage and also slows you. The more you remain still, the greater stacks of "constricting vines" you accrue and also the slower you'll be when you really need to maneuver (the vines disappear if you are moving). He doesn't use spells, only attacks, so use blind if you're able to - chance on hit blind, not clouds, as he'll leave clouds too quickly. There are pools of chaos damage on each side from the arena and that he is continually moving. He both maims and poisons you so that your choice between the soul of shaker or Rakesh.

You would like a minimum of % chaos resistance with this fight. He spawns adds Body attack spawns clones of themselves that are fairly deadly but each gives lots of flask charges, otherwise, frogs periodically spawn into the edges from the arena for any couple of extra charges every 5/10s approximately.

The Elder deals physical and cold damage purely with spells. He fires slowish moving ice spears which will kill you and also when in mid-air will spawn physical explosions beneath you, so again, run once the boss is floating. He's an enormous ground effect that deals Phys Us dot, there is, however, the absolute minimum range around him that will not deal damage, in addition to a maximum range in the very fringe of the world. 


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