Albion Online Zerg Healing Guide

As many of you know people have complained about zergs and zerg mechanics forever now. Zergs still dominate the world in most situations. SBI did try to manage the zergs by adding zerg mechanics increasing most AOE damage affects depending on the amount of people you hit with the AOE. This is a great way to allow smaller groups to fight zergs. So this time AOSilver will tell you some useful tips about the zerg healing, with this guide, you guys will understand the zerg healing more deeply

All AOE healing abilities are capped to 5 targets, why? This is a sort of anti zerg mechanic however due to the randomness of how AOE heals chose to heal their targets, it mainly makes AOE heals relatively useless. If AOE heals would target the 5 lowest health players in the circle it wouldn't be that bad, but so far I have no clue who the heals target, it definitely isn't based on missing health.

If AOE damage spells do more damage to more people but AOE heals just only heal 5 and its random 5, then why bother with AOE heals? As AOE heals currently stand there is no reason if you are a full hp player to leave them other than the fact that you are full HP. But if you aren't targeted by the heal than leaving it wouldn't matter at all. If you are targeted by the heal, then leaving the circle would make sense, however you leaving it wouldn't necessarily mean someone who does need the heal gets healed.

AOSilver's suggestion is make AOE heals similar to AOE damage. For every person above 5 people in the heal, the healing per person should be reduced by a percentage. Say you heal 100 hp per second with an aoe heal. If 5 people are in the AOE all 5 get 100 hp per second, but if a 6th enters, then the 6 players would get maybe 80 hp per second each. The more you add the lower the heal, to a cap 80%-90% reduction is AOSilver's suggestion for a bottom cap. This would allow a healer to heal everyone, and it would encourage full HP players to leave the AOE heal, as if they leave their allies who have less health would get slightly more healing. This change wouldn't help zergs that much either as even if they had tons of aoe healing in one spot, 1 or 2 aoes from the enemy in the same spot would still deal more damage than you could heal through, reduction vs increase.

AOE heals were too strong when they could heal everyone with no nerf, but they are too random now when they are limited to 5 people. Either change AOE heals to heal the lowest target, or do as i suggested, heal everyone but reduce the heal based on the number of players affected.

This idea may benefit zergs, but healers are one of the least played roles. Healers are also the least fun roles to play when it comes to zerg fights, simply due to the cap of 5 man AOE healing based on random chance. I am tired of people screaming for heals, and AOE heals do hardly anything :/.

Another way you could change the healing could be something like this. AOE heals 1 target for 100 hp per second, so 5 targets = 500 hp per second total heal. So Math (Total healing amount)/(Number of players). 500/20= 25 hp per second per player. This wouldn't change the total overall healing of the ability.

By the way, you can also buy albion silver from AOSilver, if you don't interested in the long tips, silver can solve all the problems you meet in Albion, after all. With AOSilver albion silver, many difficlut things will become easy things!

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