I have some concerns about Albion Online

While I haven't seen unplayable lag since Alpha (I missed Faye's launch so not sure how it handled) it was a far more limited size than what we will expect at release. With the No Man's Sky debacle I know they planned for 13,000 players on day one and got 500k players (they only had 1 part time network guy allotted at launch, and hardly the only problem they had with the game but that can be discussed in another thread).

As each game title gets released they get absolutely slammed (and makes life terrible for games the required to be online) as players in general are devouring content faster than ever, and leaving for the next game just as quick. Compounding to Albion's potential popularity at launch is the fact this will be one of the most comprehensive games available for the mobile/tablet market.

A bad launch for any can be fairly disastrous for the player base and sticks in peoples minds for years to come (error 37 anyone?). Any chance of some reassurances @Bercilak @Korn @Talion and how release is going to be handled and what safe guards are in place? Any details such as:

- Number of players you are estimating for release?
- Do your servers allow for a great deal of flexibility as far as expansion goes? Will you have hardware ready to go or will you need to ship it across country while the player base is howling the forums?
- What safe guards do you have in place to protect the stability of the game if it gets overloaded? Will you consider suspension of starter packs until you are able to deal with this?
- Do you guys have adequate tiered plans/tactics/responses in place if the game is popular, extremely popular or stupid popular?
- Will you stagger platform releases (as in launch Android a few days later once server stability is verified)

I do understand you can't tell us the nitty-gritty of the plans you have in place but some broader overviews would help to reassure people like myself.

The only company that I have seen handle this progressively more common phenomenon (and only through the school of hard knocks of some pretty disastrous launches) is Blizzard, with the very smooth launches (not perfect but very smooth overall) of Overwatch and Legion compared to the population of players that hit the servers.


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