Albion Online: why have we not had a wipe

Im not sure if im posting this in the right category or not, but someone of legitimacy has got to inform me on why we were not wiped in Cador? Cador was a huge update and from my understanding (which may very well be wrong) all i have heard that they are still going to add are the changes to the new map, and the crime and reputation system. These two changes they have not yet added definitley do not sound like they will need a wipe to go along with Albion Online Silver, but the Cador patch changes in my opinion do. I can think of three reasons why we currently deserve a wipe.
Destiny board armor changes waste peoples' money they spent on premium and stop players from continuing beta testing
Progression testing with fame bonus changes
Testing the market with silver bonus changes
With the recent changes to the destiny board a lot of players like myself who have began the game recently and grinded fame and used learning points have had their money wasted after the armor rework because the gear they used their LP on is no longer what they need to be viable. Even worse than having their money wasted they have no LP to get the new gear they need for their class to continue helping with beta testing so some players are now packing up and leaving. Why not wipe with Cador? These changes need a wipe compared to map changes and crime/reputation changes that in my opinion 100% do not need a wipe.

Another reason to wipe is for legitimate testing of this new fame bonus. I think having a wipe would be a good thing for truly testing the bonus to get more Albion Online Gold. Without the wipe all you see is guilds power leveling eachother in high level dungeons to get their new gear asap on alts that they have bought premium on. Power leveling alts is not a true representation of how the fame bonuses will affect progression in the game.

Lastly, another reason we should have a wipe with Cador is the silver bonus and market inflation. With Cardor we have seen a change in mount farming, silver drops, and rune/gem drops. These changes have extremely inflated the market, and i do not believe give a true representation of how the market would look had there been a wipe. Right now there are certain things still at old prices and certain things at new inflated prices. If there were to be a wipe everything would be at this inflated silver pricing and we would see a true representation of what the market would look like.

I think its a fair statement to add that even though the developement team has said they will give us a 1 month heads up before wiping. The majority of players in this game will not be upset if they were to only give us a week. Any comments or information on this topic would be greatly appreciated albion online silver farming. I love albion and will probably continue to play it no matter what, but i hate seeing players leave this wonderful game because theyre waiting for a wipe to happen.


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